QSA represents the interests of all SAFA Affiliated Sports Aviation Clubs and their members with key Queensland state based stakeholders. Our enduring mission is to enable our pilots and passengers to safely enjoy exhilarating flight experiences, whilst providing a sustainable future for this to occur.
We seek to inspire adventure seeking Queenslanders to safely participate in our forms of flying and we seek to help build a sustainable sports aviation future for our affiliated clubs and their members.
Core values which support our mission and vision are;
Queensland Sports Aviators (QSA) represents the interest of all SAFA affiliated sports aviation clubs from the NSW border to the Central Queensland city of Rockhampton.
Those interests cover recreational & competition flying, the need to accommodate our forms of aviation in infrastructure planning (land and airspace requirements), sports funding in its numerous forms, training and development of all pilots whether new or long standing and the promotion of our exhilarating forms of aviation throughout our area of operation.